Trails, Pictures and Driver

Same time, two years ago

Same time, two years ago

It is inimaginable the time you may spend reminiscing while cleaning your driver. Not that it’s dirty (?), instead, I’d say it’s full of memories reminders. This picture, for instance is quite amazing. Took it two years ago end June while walking in my area. Knowing where those raozy gasy are located, some memories were unearthed upon lying my eyes on this picture. Two years ago, I used to walk daily on that peculiar dam. Once every day. Before I got enticed to another area to make it my temporary walking trail. Till getting fed up, then settling for another trail. And so on… Those were the days I had been learning how to use my then new digicam. The days I could walk as much as possible, or, at the best moment of the day ever. The days I learnt the Coolienne new life ropes. Those raozy are landmarks, are symbols, but only in my books. Only I would attach that specific importance to them as they are part of my memories of this area, those times in my life.

Now, about two yeas later, another new lifestyle is being adopted. Equally exciting, excellent outlooks. My life is not about still hols (hey! Jogany and Ikalakely!). It has cycles of newness, of highs, of downs (really, I try not to stay in there that long… but… alas, they are real). Now is a high time. A exhilarating one.

My personal story is very tied to those walking trails I happen to choose to trot. It’s about time I walk those old trails again although my life is taking a new path. It’s amazing how electronic, virtual files can give you highs or be those small stuffs which make you instantly halt your activity and smile thinking of that perfect day. Or burst reviewing those crazy party nights pics (for sure, one doesn’t want those series to go out). Or still be grateful remembering how wonderful people were over there, or how great it was up there. Or… or… or.

One advice (if I may say so!):

Walk your Trails, Take Pictures (or Notes) and Clean your Driver up!

You’d be surprised.

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